
Must Be a Dragon, a masterless RPG of explorers and dragons

Created by Sushi Role

A masterless tabletop role-playing game set in the 1800s Europe where dragons exist, and your purpose is to find them!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 06:32:38 AM

Hi everyone!
  This is Luca from Sushi Role, and i’m here to share some good news with you.

 The Introductory Guide to Must be a Dragon is out now! 

In this 10 pages little guide we want to take you to the atmosphere of the game, showing you all the features and modes, and, especially show you how the corebook will be, in terms of layout, colors and graphic design.

We really think that the layout, as well as the beautiful illustrations by Alida (see update #4 ), set the tone of the game. We choose to use torn paper, maps and bright warm colors linked to the earth. We imagined the 1800 explorers submerged by letters, notes, torn sheets of paper where they wrote what they discovered. We want to give this experience to you through the pages of the corebook.

Take a look at the INTRODUCTORY GUIDE here !

Fun Fact: the maps you’ll see in the corebook are actual maps that 1800' people could use for their research.

We hope that you will like it as we do, and share the word to make this project succeed.

Have a nice read!

about 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 09:34:44 AM

Hello guys, I'm Luca again. How are you? We received questions about the different game modes of Must Be a Dragon, so in this update thanks to Andrea, the author, we are going to see all the game modes in brief.


The basic mode. The main way to play Must Be a Dragon is with a one-shot session of about 2 hours, to be played together with the party and which does not require any preparatory time. In this mode you will create a dragon quest story, in which the explorer will have a journey that will take them to the dragon. The ending will be quite unpredictable.


This mode is made for those who prefer a more contemplative mode and want to challenge themselves with an intimate experience of exploration or simply those who do not have a party available and want to start a game that does not require a big prep. We suggest taking this mode as a 'journal' and write the adventures following the path suggested by the mechanics.


If you are not into long narratives or simply have little time or want to try your hand in a captivating challenge, the timed mode will allow you to create a time limited narrative that forces you to make quick important choices. In this mode you will face many crossroads and, without thinking too long, you will change your path. This mode can be entertaining both to experienced gaming groups that are used to a rich storytelling, and to newbies, because it could help overcome dead times in narrative. Of course, solo mode can be played in this way too.


If you are the type of player who likes long and epic sagas involving numerous characters and events, this mode will allow you to satisfy your desires of greatness. Saga gives you the opportunity to combine multiple one-shots and give them a continuity, slowly shaping a world that will depend on the choices you have made previously.


This mode is for two types of people, those who want a whole new and sparkling mode that gives extreme variability and those who want to play a dragon. Yes, you got it right, playing a dragon. Dragons, you must know, meet once a year in a Conclave where they discuss power, richness and glory. This mode is very close to a classic role-playing game, in which each player will be a dragon and achieve certain goals with cleverness, counting on strength, intrigue skills and knowledge. Who will be the most cunning dragon? And what will its rise bring to the people and unsuspecting explorers, who will come in the future?

As you can see Must Be a Dragon is a TTRPG full of surprises, game modes and original ideas for all the roleplayers. Thank you for all the support you are giving us and if you can continue to spread the voice with your friends, we want to make this game real for all of you! Thank you, explorers!

- Luca and Andrea

about 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 07:07:19 AM

The Artist

Alida Pintus

Hi everyone!

This update is about our main illustrator, the talented Alida Pintus. We've asked her to introduce herself and what led her to the beautiful arts for our Must Be a Dragon


Hi everyone! 

I’m Alida, nice to meet you! I’ve done the illustrations for this game.

I’ve been drawing since I can remember; my first canvas being the books around my house, then my bedroom walls. I've always got a great passion for narrative and animation; my friends and I always spent our afternoons drawing fantastical creatures and dreaming about magical adventures in far away lands. That's probably the reason why whenever I get fascinated by a compelling storytelling, my first instinct is always to make a drawing out of it.

I’m from Sicily, but it’s now been three years since I’ve graduated from high school and living here and there, off to new experiences, with my case filled with many sketchbooks, pencil cases, books and some spare clothes. I’m currently living in Rome, to attend a visual development school, while I’m working remotely as a concept artist for the videogame industry in Sausalito and as an illustrator for children publications.

About the arts of Must Be a Dragon

When Luca wrote me about the game, I instantly fell in love with the project. I was fascineted by Andrea’s evocative descriptions on how the environments and the characters should have looked like. I, for instance, really empathized with Irene’s quirk personality and did different preliminary sketches to portray it in a visual way. I looked for a distinctive character shape; a practical, carefree but somehow peculiar style of clothing, while her messy hair and cunning look are just the first features that I got in mind when reading about her.

I went on a quite similar process for the Red Dragon; for whom I played a lot with super randomic shapes and silhouettes looking for the one that gave me a mighty, fascinating vibe. As for the environments, I really tried to combine what was written in Andrea’s descriptions with something that resonates with my personal sense of wonder and magic.

It was really important to me to create believable settings, as if some incredible stories could actually happen in there. I took a lot of inspiration from my own bedroom and childhood memories for Irene’s cluttered but cozy studio, meanwhile I searched for many pictures and took some on my own for the outside environments. It was above all, constantly experimenting new tools and workflows, trying to enjoy and learn from the process.

I really hope I managed to share my love for this story with the final result, and cannot wait to get my hands back on it very soon!

- Alida 

about 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 09:50:48 AM

Dear Explorers, I'm Luca, how are you? :)

As you know the project of Sushi Role started with this Kickstarter campaign. We've just launched the Discord Server of Sushi Role too! We are still few, but there is the whole Sushi Role team here to talk to you, first of all the author Andrea Carbone. Sushi Role Discord server this could be a meeting place to chat, ask questions and, after the Kickstarter campaign, to schedule some game sessions of Must Be a Dragon!

Join us on Discord at this link: , we are waiting for you!

Spread the word on this Ks Campaign to make this project come true!

about 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 01:46:51 AM

Hi Explorers! This update is about two accessories for Must be a Dragon: Scale and Narrator Tokens.

Narrator Token

Each Scene of the game has players and a Narrator, who will alternate in the storytelling.
The Narrator is the one who begins to narrate by answering the first Question of the Scene, but will not remain Narrator for the duration of the game. In fact, in the next Scene, the role will pass to the player to the right of the previous Narrator. The Narrator will be indicated at the table with a Token which will be placed in front of them. This way everyone will always know who the Narrator is.

You can get the Narrator Token as add-on or directly with the pledge 'THE DRAGON'S TREASURE'.

Scale Tokens

Scale tokens are part of a game mechanic that provides the possibility of variability within the narrative, adding elements or modifying those already present in the course of events. This generates a sort of 'competition', aimed at improving the story or leading it in a preferred direction. Each player accumulates a number of these tokens and can spend them when they want to intervene in the narrative gameplay.

You can get a set of 40 Scale Tokens as add-on or directly with the pledge 'THE DRAGON'S TREASURE'.

Are you curious to discover the mechanic system and to play your dragon quest adventure? Help us carry out the project, share this campaign with your friends, the dragons are waiting for you, explorers!🌈

- Luca