
Must Be a Dragon, a masterless RPG of explorers and dragons

Created by Sushi Role

A masterless tabletop role-playing game set in the 1800s Europe where dragons exist, and your purpose is to find them!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 10:10:18 AM

Hello Explorers, I'm Luca and I hope you're all well! I apologize for my absence, we have been overwhelmed by many projects and I needed some time to sort everything out, sorry for my absence.


I start this update confirming you that from today I am going to write an update every Sunday, so as to keep you updated on the developments of the project and never abandon you again!


Where are we at? The corebook is almost ready and the body text is ready and revised. The internal artworks are ready, but the dragon arts are still missing, which will be 15 in total, one more beautiful than the other! Unfortunately, however, these art are not ready yet and we have had a further slowdown.

At the moment our artist has a deadline for the dragons arts for the November 12th. I know it's a long time, but there are a lot of artworks and they require the right amount of time to be created. As soon as we receive these last arts we insert them into the file and immediately create the PDF, sending it to all of you and then printing the file. In the coming weeks I will update you gradually, if necessary we could can also create an incomplete file to start making you read and play the game, we will see it in the coming weeks, but in the meantime you now know the timing and details.

So it seems we will have the digital file for November 13th and for the physical copies I estimate they will be delivered between mid-December and mid-January depending on your place of residence, but we will not go beyond this date.


It's the first time we work on a project that has to cover so many countries and we've had more slowdowns than we should have. We are working hard to resolve everything and I will try to do everything as quickly and as well as possible, I just ask for a little more patience. For my part, I remain available for any questions or concerns and, as mentioned, I will continue to update you weekly on how the project is progressing. 

A little gift: a page directly from the layout featuring two wonderful arts by our artist Alida: a family portrait of the main characters in the game's story and a dragon in background!

Family portrait - Alida Pintus. All right reserved © 2023 Sushi Role

We are excited and happy that the game is in a good state of progress and we want to share it with you as soon as possible, a little more time and we will get there. I apologize again for the delay, I hope that my presence here through the weekly updates will give you the opportunity to be reassured about the quality of the product and the fact that you will receive it soon.

Thank you so much for your attention, I'm at your disposal for anything, see you next Sunday explorers!

- Luca

over 1 year ago – Sun, May 14, 2023 at 02:48:30 AM

Hello Explorers, I'm Luca and I hope you're all well, because the dragons are out there waiting to be found thanks to your maps and explorations!  

How is the project progressing?

The body text is concluded and finished, ready to be played!

However, we had a heavy slowdown on some artworks which forced us to slow down the roadmap, but we are back on track and we will have all the artworks by mid-June 2023. We will use this time to make a further refinement of the corebook and, by calculating the graphic layout work and a final revision, we will objectively be able to finish the digital corebook by mid-July 2023.

At that point we will send to all of you the digital copies so that you can play it right away and we will start the printing work with our printers in the EU and in the USA. Since August is a complex month, we estimate that by September we will have all the hardcover corebooks and all the backers that need to receive the hardcover corebooks and the other physical goodies will receive everything by the end of September 2023 at the latest.

The times could also shorten, depending on how these last steps evolve, but since I haven't updated you for a while, it seemed right to give you an estimate timing as objective as possible. Even if this small extension of a few months is boring, I assure you that it will help us improve the product and offer you a super-revised body text, lovely artworks and a tremendous layout!

I thank all of you for your patience and trust, and I'm here for every need or question!

Ah, and there is a little sneak peek for you: the study of the young Celeste, one of the characters you'll find in the setting of the corebook, made by our amazing artist Alida Pintus! :)

Study for the character of Celeste - Alida Pintus. All right reserved © 2023 Sushi Role

Get ready to find the dragon, explorers! Lots of love from me and all the team of Must be a Dragon!

- Luca

over 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 02:18:12 AM

Irene's Sketches by Alida Pintus

Hello explorers!

It's been a while since our last update: it's been intense months of work, creation, refinement of our dear Must be a Dragon corebook. As you can imagine, the creation of a complex book such as an RPG corebook requires the synergy of different figures, and the drafting of the textual content is only the beginning of the adventure. So, I'm here to keep you up to date on the working flow, and make you a little aware, as you always were during the campaign, of everything behind this amazing corebook! :)

Texts, rules and stories. The texts of the corebook is complete, playtested and ready to be played. This part of the work, thanks to the creativity of Andrea Carbone and our collaborators, can be considered completed, with the exception of a few small adjustments here and there. 

First mockup of inlay pages

Layout design. As soon as she read 'Must Be a Dragon', our graphic designer Giovanna immediately imagined it as you have seen it in some mockup: made of torn paper, letters, slightly crooked sheets as if they had been detached from a journal and placed there. So the vision of what the corebook design will look like was very clear and became even better defined with the addition of the illustrations. Obviously the layout process is long and meticulous, it takes precision and a bit of obsession. All qualities possessed by our graphic designer:)

Napoleon says 'Hi'

That's all, my dear adventurers. I promise to keep you updated and post here some previews as soon as possible.

Lots of love from me and all the team of Must be a Dragon!

- Luca

almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 05:18:12 PM

Dear explorers, I'm Luca, how are you? We started the work on the Must Be a Dragon project and we have some new updates! 

Andrea loves you! 🎁

Although the Stretch Goal 'The appendix to play Must Be a Dragon with other settings' has not been unlocked, the author Andrea Carbone decided to include anyway this appendix in the corebook because it can give you new ideas to play and have fun and because you deserve it! So you'll find this mini-chapter in your copy of Must Be a Dragon! 



Did you miss the Kickstarter campaign? A friend of yours would like to get the corebook and the various goodies but didn't make it in time? Don't worry! We launched the Backerkit campaign! 

At this link ( you can pre-order the corebook and the other goodies!

The backers of Backerkit will not find the pledges of Kickstarter and they can only purchase the products individually but their name will be inserted in the backers page of corebook, they will get the PDF as soon as it is ready, exactly like the kickstarter backers, and they will be able to write to us for opinions, comments and feedback during this 'creative' period.

Facebook Group and Discord! 👾

Do you use Facebook or Discord to interact with the communities of your favorite games? In our case you can do it both ways!

We are all there waiting for you, reach us and say hello!

- Luca

about 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 01:09:56 PM

Dear Explorers, I'm Luca! Thanks to your pledges, your comments, your messages, your sharing and your love for this project we finally and definitely funded it!

From me and all the Sushi Role team thank you so much guys! And thanks also to the friends who have always followed us and have decided to support us in this first project to help us to create this amazing rpg for you! What happens now? Soon we will launch a Backerkit campaign so that the late explorers can get the corebook but above all we start immediately working to make real the corebook and all the material we promised you!

We will keep you updated via Kickstarter on all the news and developments of the project, we will appreciate your comments, opinions and ideas!

If you don't follow us already, you can reach us on our social networks to be in touch with our entire team!

Thank you for this big result, we love you!

- Luca